I help people develop a kinder self-perception by creating custom affirmation cards that help rewire disempowering thoughts.


You become what you think about all day long.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

image by @lightphonics

The Power of Thoughts


Many of us have heard the sayings “your thoughts create your reality” and “what you think, you become”, these sayings all share the same sentiment, our thoughts are powerful. Our thoughts influence our sense of self-worth, how we feel about our life, and how we view the world around us. Understandably, many of us don’t spend time thinking about thinking but if thoughts influence feelings and behaviors why not make sure your thoughts are helping instead of hindering you?

Affirmations are statements that help interrupt and overcome disempowering thoughts. Some are skeptical about the power of affirmations; it almost seems too simple to be effective in a world where we are taught all good things require a lot of hard work. The truth is affirmations are both, while the concept is simple it’s not always easy to implement but the research shows affirmations work. 


Hello, Affirmations

Custom Made for YOU


I believe everyone has a unique story and what inspires one person might not inspire you. Affirmations only work if they resonate with you personally, otherwise, they can feel like just another cliché statement about positive thinking. This is why I offer personalized affirmations (or new statements of truth, if you prefer) based on your current life situation.

Past Work

Flower (3).png
Sun (3).png
Moon (1).png

What Others Are Saying


“Absolutely beautiful! .....you clearly have a gift for seeing people”

— Allison G.

“…so spot on. You knew exactly what to say.”

— Cc S.

“Wow!! …thank you so much for this amazing gift.”

— Paual S.

If you are feeling stuck, going through a challenge, need help with a shift in perspective, or just a kind word to remind you that you are not alone, I would be honored to create space for you to share your thoughts and experiences. And I would be honored to offer a reflection back to you crafted through the lens of hope and love.