These are some of the books that have helped change my life.
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
Great for: General stuckness
This is a great book if you’re feeling a general stuckness in your life and don’t know where to start. The author is funny, inspiring, and gives great advice without feeling too preachy or super cheesy. Sincero also drops the occasional swear word (no surprise considering the title) but worth mentioning for those wondering if the title reflects the tone of the book, it does.
Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
Great for: Emotional awakening
The first time I picked up this book I only made it through the introduction before I slammed it shut and I didn’t pick it back up for about a year. For someone who spent most of their life trying to be in control and suppress emotions, it was that scary. I'm so glad I eventually found my way back to this gem. If you need multiple reasons, backed with data from studies, about why vulnerability and courage should be pursued over control and certainty, this is your book.
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Great for: Practical ways to create new helpful behaviors in your life
Clear does a wonderful job of breaking down how habits work, how to break up with habits that are holding you back, and how to establish new ones. Extremely useful skills for anyone pursuing new goals or life changes. As someone who has a hard time establishing and maintaining new habits, I make sure to go back and review key concepts whenever I find myself struggling to stay on track.
How to do the Work by Dr. Nicole LePera
Great for: Emotional and mental healing
If you have ever considered therapy but cringed at the thought of talking about your emotions with a stranger every week, this might be the book you’ve been waiting for. Dr. Nicole LePera began her career as a traditional therapist but found herself frustrated with what she describes as a limited model of healing. After facing her own past and undergoing her own healing journey of 2 years, Dr. LePera began sharing her knowledge of self-healing on social media and now has a following of over 3 million on Instagram (@the.holistic.psychologist).
Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money by Ken Honda
Great for: Understanding and improving your money mindset
Many of us have complicated feelings about money; if you have ever struggled with your finances or with feelings associated with financial security, I highly recommend this book. Ken Honda (often referred to as a Zen Millionaire) bridges self-help and finance in his work to help people create personal wealth and happiness. There are many great books about finances and building wealth but Happy Money made my list because I believe personal awareness and a helpful mindset are integral building blocks to creating lasting change in any area of our lives.
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Great for: Nurturing more creativity in your life
This is a beautifully written book and highly recommended for anyone pursuing a creative career or anyone who just wants to feel more inspired to incorporate creativity into their lives. I love Elizabeth Gilbert. I’ve listened to multiple interviews, follow her on social media, and have read a few of her books, but I must admit, I haven’t read her worldwide bestseller, Eat Pray Love. Haven’t seen the movie either. I know, I know! It's ridiculous, but it’s on my list. I swear.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
Great for: Redefining traditional definitions of success and an introduction to spiritual concepts
I picked this little book up on a whim and I have to believe it was meant to be. This book sparked my desire to cultivate a deeper and more meaningful spiritual practice in my life and also contains one of my favorite quotes of all time. “Once you know who you really are, being is enough. You feel neither superior to anyone nor inferior to anyone and you have no need for approval because you've awakened to your own infinite worth.” Enough said.
Discover Your Dharma by Sahara Rose
Great for: Those seeking purpose and also open to alternative medicine, Hindu concepts, hashtags, and hip-hop dance parties
Sahara Rose is passionate about Ayurveda, spirituality, and helping women discover their purpose. This book is a “Vedic guide to finding your purpose” and geared towards a younger female audience but is still worth the read even if you do not fall into her key demographic. This is the only book I have read that takes such a big question and breaks it down into 11 entertaining and easy-to-digest chapters.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Great for: A quick entertaining read with a big dose of inspiration
The Alchemist is usually classified as fantasy or adventure fiction and tells the story of a young shepherd who takes a risk and goes in search of treasure, but the true message is about having the courage to pursue your dreams and listen to your heart. The novel is short and simply written, making it suitable for younger readers as well.